Underneath that huge scoop are the carbs. It wasn't what I wanted but was more a necessity. That was the first thing to go, so we ended up with this. You'll notice that I've already started playing around with the plenum.
...off with the intercooler scoops and "nose" over plenum. I also removed the polystyrene bits I was using to widen the lower front of the nosecone - either side of the radiator. Anyway, I had a brainwave and used some steel mesh as a former, which I gradually folled with filler to give me...
I now "just need to" ( yeah right) get the same finish on the other side (not far off), and figure out how I'm going to cover the intercoolers. Once that's done, it's a matter of finishingall the edges then sanding/painting/sanding polishing to get a really nice finish so I can mould it. After that, it'll be to make a new bonnet, paint and fit, by which time ecu should be in and working, then we'll be off.
I'm hoping to do some work on it in the evenings and next Sunday (finish??????), so, no more till then I'm afraid.
Gotta go!