Sunday 26 April 2009

Quick update on not-a-lot!

Right, very quickly, as there isn't much to tell.

Went to Detling Kitcar Show and quite enjoyed that. Managed to get twenty stainless steel bends from 38mm tubing for only £40. When you consider most places seem to charge anything up to £20 per bend, you can see why I was quite excited:D

Anyway, the point of buying the bends was to build new exhaust manifolds, but having since spent a couple of evenings knocking up new manifolds and not being too impressed with the rushed results, I've since decided to use the Range Rover manifolds and make some link tubes, which should work better, look worse and save a lot of time.

Now, I still have a lot of work to do on the car, but this weekend coming I've "told" the wife I'm spending all weekend (including the Bank Holiday Monday) sorting the car out. And she's agreed:D

If you recall the work needed was this

Need to make a bracket for the air flow meter - which will face rearward
Modify exhausts as no turbo's to connect pipes anymore
Wiring will need sorting
Sort the bonnet out
Fit the radiator and plumb in
Paint the rest of the bodywork
Modify the alternator bracket
Get roll bar sorted!

The car also needs an MOT and tax, but if I can get that lot done next weekend, we may have T&T the week after:D

Bigger, hopefully more positive post a week on Monday!


Friday 10 April 2009

Another four weeks passes!

Well, Detling starts tomorrow, and over the last four weeks I have made (and very nearly finished) a towbar bracket mounted bike rack!

It's quite good, honestly:D Car has detatchable towball, and the bike rack fits in the socket. Held in place with bolt and even with bikes on, I'll be able to open the boot. Oooooo

So, as you may have guessed, with the evening work, swimming and making bike rack, and with Easter weekend being Detling, I've managed to get absolutely nothing done to the car in a MONTH!!!!!!!

At this rate, it'll be three years car will have been off the road and another summer gone!

Never mind I hear you say, Easter weekend; it's four days off. Well, you'd be right, but I spent all day painting the boys bedroom yesterday (Friday) and more today, Detling on Sunday am, lunch with Mother/Bro, wife and kids then might test new lawn mower. Oh yeah, also refaced all the fascia boards a week or two back.

Might get out there Monday, if I don't go into work.

Might not go to Detling which will p me off slightly as I've been looking forward to it for a good few months.

Anyway, if I get anything done, I'll let you know, but don't hold your breath.