Wednesday 28 July 2010


....but not so bad (though it will be expensive; hope that's not too contradictory!).

In case you didn't see previous post, I finally got the car in for an MOT today, and it failed.

The deffo fail was headlight adjustment, and I was spot on with that. Already playing around with adjustment.

Another point was the o/s top balljoint having too much play - turned out to be the nut inside the upright adaptor not being tight enough. So that's already fixed, though I had to take the suspension apart.

One more small point was the drivers seat belt bolt was 90% undone, so that's fixed too.

Big thing is the noise, and it's this that's going to cost as I decided that I may as well get some proper silencers and fit them. Several reasons, but primary at the mo is the get through MOT, but will also keep me in with the neighbours, who haven't complained but could. So it'll make the car much more useable (I'll be able to go out early and come back late).

Only downside is price, but I'm hoping to haggle! Will have to do a bit of work on exhausts to make fit but hey ho

I have 10 days to get car back in for partial retest, so need to get cracka lacking!

Will post agan when all jobs done, though you may have to wait till after test:)

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