Saturday 12 April 2008

Just an update!

I'm still having issues getting the ECU and laptop to communicate, which I suspect is down to the laptop. I'm going to get my old desktop PC out of retirement tomorrow and try that. If it works, I'll buy another laptop (maybe). The alternative is to send the ECU back and have them check it out. Might even send them the laptop too!

Going to the Detling kitcar show tomorrow, so may try and buy a few things - I particularly want/need and Innovate LC1 wideband sensor so when I do get comms between ECU/laptop, I can start getting Air/Fuel mixtures a bit more accurate.

Tomorrow, I have decided will be the day that I start redoing the bonnet. The intention was to include glassfibre scoops on the bonnet for the intercoolers, but to spped things up. I'm going to make them from ally, and rivet them to the i/c's and they'll just have to stick through the bonnet. I did have the mad idea of attaching a small pressure vessel (with slow pressure release) in the wastegate actuator lines to power pressurised intercooler sccops. The idea being the when boost went up, scoops would go up, and as boost went down, the scoops would come down slowly, venting from the pressurised vessel. But I haven't got time for that at the mo.

I've still got the oil leak, but have found this is coming from the oil union on the turbo, so really needs to be fixed asap and before engine is run in anger. Fortunately, should be just a case of tightening a bolt.

Anyway, I'm off for a nice cup'o tea. Keep your fingers crossed, there may be a vid soon!

Till the next time


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