Sunday 4 May 2008

Still no ecu, but hey, I've started the bonnet!

I don't know if it's my failings in the computer world, though I have to admit I do despair at times.

I've decided that my level of competance has dictated I return the ECU to Emerald for them to check over, though I'm sure it's fine. When that comes back, I may have to "phone a friend" from Locostbuilders who's kindly offered to bring his laptop over.

While that's away, I thought I'd make a start on the bonnet, as this is very nearly the last part of the jigsaw, aside of mapping the engine.

When I first started this project, I'd started modifying the bonnet without having any of the mechanical work done, which meant that I didn't know where intercoolers would be, nor the plenum etc, so when I started again last week, I had to pull off all the changes I'd made to the bonnet, as a) it looked crap, and b) well, see a).

It's amazing how having a year between certain jobs where originally you struggle to visualise how you want something to look, and how bad it turns out, to starting again, and getting a decent result in a tenth of the time.

Anyway, you're out of luck if you think I'm going to post pics of what it looks like as of today, because it really does look like a work in progress, but (and it's a very big but like what's the weather going to be like tomorrow) I have a whole day on it tomorrow, which should be all it takes.

In the meantime, here's a couple of pics I took last weekend so I could make up a front rollbar template (with 2" drainpipe). No, you're not seeing that either. I may go and see someone about that next week. They can can it out of something a bit stronger:)

Damn, it's got the rollbar on it, and pics of the bonnet:)

I made those nice shiny exhausts from stainless steel, in case you were wondering.

Anyway, I'm off cos I want an early night so I can get on with car tomorrow.


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