Sunday 20 January 2008

Hmm. Best laid plans, and all that

Well, I'd been hoping to get a bit of time on the car over the weekend, but things just didn't work out that way.

Got up a bit later than expected today, having got to bed a bit later than expected last night, then had to go shopping.

I'd been thinking of going to the Model Engineering Exhibition at the Ally Pally today (it was on yesterday, too) but decided against it, as I'd only spend money (and time) that could be better used elsewhere.

Anyway, I've been watching a programme on Information TV called The Painting and Drawing Channel (see or and have decided I'd like to have a go at painting. Now, unfortunately for me, I can't draw for toffee, but I still managed to spend a couple of quid (that could have been better used elsewhere!!!) on materials etc. No wonder Artists charge so much for their work, have you seen the price of paints!! I may have to try using a couple of gallons of Dulux instead. Fortunately, I have a friend who offered me a "how-to" session as he's quite good:), so I think I'll take up his offer. Just need to find the time. Just need to find some subject matter. We have a very old bridge which should be a challenge as it's set in a steepish valley so greenery, trees, water, brickwork, and maybe a bit of sky too. Who know, I may add a surfer to the background just for a laugh.

Anyway, got back from shopping and decided I'd have a tidy up in the garage, as it was getting to the stage where I was having to step over things, and still not touch the floor.

I've got a Jag IRS (2.88/1.00 f/d ratio) which I'm going to either have to get rid of, store elsewhere or flog as it's big, heavy and in the way. I originally bought it for Deimos but have been persuaded by people who know better than me to use something else. Who knows, I may have to build that T bucket I've always wanted.

The Jag unit has been replaced a BMW diff (2.28/1.00) which will be going in, though I may "pre-make?" the rear subframe, so when I'm ready it'll simply be a matter of unbolting prop and uprights, cut out old, weld in new. Sounds simple, but that'll probably be another two year "winter project".

What I have noticed on the car, is that I'm going to have to remove the steering rack to get the crank pulley off. Not a major job, but could have done without it. Still I might be able to leave steering arms in place, and just undo rack. I don't need much more space.

Anyway, I'm off, just got to pop out for a couple of minutes, then I may get to the garage.

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