Monday 14 January 2008

I haven't forgotten, don't panic!

Just thought I'd better let you know I haven't forgotten about the blog, it's just that not much has happened.

I think I managed to clean out all the tissue paper from the ports - using a mechanics grabber.

I've just "done" the wiring for the coil pack - done used loosely as it still needs finishing, but all wires are in respective brackets. The coil packs need a home somewhere in the engine compartment, and I'm currently thinking that'll be towards the front, but (obviously!!) behind the rad.

I've more or less finished the ecu loom and am currently trying to decide where to put the ecu. It needs to be dry (so not under the seats as car has tendency flood when it rains!) and away from the high temps of the engine compartment. That means probably bolted to bulkhead, under the scuttle.

I've set myself a target to speed things up (I've already renewed my road tax and as of today wasted £6.89 (14/366ths of £180, for those interested:)). Anyway, the car needs to be on the road, and tested for a week or two by the 9th March as I'm organising (with a friend) the marshalling for the Pioneeer Run (veteran m/cycles London to Brighton) from Pease Pottage services to Pyecombe Roundabout and it'd be nice to have toy car for that.

Anyway, gotta go the wife has just made me a nice cup of nice. Aren't I lucky!

More at the weekend hopefully.

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