Sunday 10 May 2009


Ok, so it's not going to be a very long post, as I only did a little bit on the car today, but what a bit!

Started off this morning looking at the wiring - yeah, in complete contrast to where the wiring was in the list of jobs to do.

Anyway, firstly looked at the wires around the coil and sorted those out, then figured I needed a 6.8k Ohm resistor in the wire between a/f meter and coil, but didn't have one - except the one that goes to the speed signal thingy, which a) is supposed to limit the speed in the Range Rover and b) wasn't being used because of a)!

Anyway, sorted those out, then looked at the wires for the ecu, and if you look in all the blurb on the net it says the ecu has a brown wire for permanent live feed, also found it may be brown/orange - could I find them?! Well, no not as a direct connection!

Anyway, had a look through the bundle of wires and figured that it was another orange/? wire (yeah forgot for the mo!) and there is a white wire from coil that's needs connecting to a switched white wire from ecu.

So, connected that lot up, carefully, and thought I'd turn it on and see what happens.

Bloody hell, it started, but ran really rough, very little throttle control, high tickover (about 2500 rpm), couldn't close throttle any further etc.

Started thinking; oh dear.

Then, when I looked at the airflow meter, the bulb went of. I thought that I'd left an old rag in the plenum inlet to prevent ingress of dirt, dust, spanners, nuts and bolts etc.

Quickly removed hose, removed rag, reconnected hos and tried again.

Wow. Started instantly, ran with a slightly lumpy tickover, but instant throttle response. It occurred to me later while looking for my allen keys, that lumpy tickover is due to a couple of airleaks which I knew of, but forgot to do anything about.

Next job I started today was getting the rad back in, which involved hacking the bottom hose around a bit, but that's now back on, just the top hose to do, which I'll do over a few evenings.

And I started tidying the wiring, ready for a permanent fix.

All in all, I'd say I'm very pleased on the day's progress.

More next weekend hopefully

Till then


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