Sunday 22 February 2009

Quick post!

I haven't had much time on the car this week, even though I was hoping to have made some more progress.

I swapped over the starter motors (from turbo engine to this one) as that already on new engine had a slightly different layout which resulted in the solenoid sticking out too far towards exhaust. Putting the other on on has given me another couple of inches. Which is nice.

I also got round to putting the alternator bracket on (again from the old engine) as I want it nice and low and out of the way, but as usual, there's always a spanner in the works. In this case , it's the water pump/timing chain cover. I think it's one of them intermediate type covers, but the result is that the alternator and waterpump/crank pullies don't line up. I'll take the easiest fix, and remove half an inch from the alternator bracket. Using the new engine's pullies actually gives me about and extra inch of space at front of engine, so that might help for something.

I've plugged the loom into all the sensors on the engine, but have so much wiring, I'm going to have to strip the covering off the loom and go through it to see what I need and what I don't.

I fitted the turbo exhausts to the new engine, but might try and use the new engines manifolds as they will probably flow better.

I'd like to say I hope to make a bit more progress this week, but we have a bit of a rush coming up at work, so I'll be working Monday and Wednesday evenings, swimming on Tuesday which might leave Thurs/Friday if I'm not too tired.

Anyway, till next weekend, I guess


Sunday 15 February 2009

Pics, pics and er, pics

Ok, as promised, a quick update in pictoral form - and apologies in advance, some are a bit rubbish!

I didn't get a chance to do any work on the car today - needed to get my swimming fix in, then took some rubbish to the dump, then went out for lunch at the sailing club and finally, got home and cleaned the inside of my bus:
which took the best part of 2 hours!!!!! Well, theres a lot to clean:D

Anyway, back to toy car, this (rather dark/dull and out of focus) pic was taken the evening before the new engine installation and the lighting is quite poor. It's only an empty engine bay, so hardly worth getting excited about.

This is a pic of how far I got installing the new fuel return line. You have to bear in mind the aggro it took to get this baby down the transmission tunnel and my reluctance to start bending it (by hand) to the correct shape. I'm sure it'll be ok once I get started though.

As you can see, this is a pic of the engine, now in situ. Notice it still has the three inch high flame trap - which won't fit under the bonnet. Easy fix, as I have a flat takeoff on the other engine that I'll fit to this engine, which will allow me to lay this one down, and out of the way.

Here' a pic of the engine in situ, from the front - thinking my bonnet is going to need quite a bit of hacking around to get that plenum to fit, and the airflow meter and the air filter:D

Anyway, that little lot should be enough to keep you amused till next weekend, when I hope to have

a) done the return fuel line - meaning bent to shape, connected to fuel tank and "P-clipped" into place

b) got the fuel injection pipes connected to fuel line

c) got ecu and engine wiring into place

d) got the alternator mounted

e) maybe one or two other jobs too.

Detling KitCar Show in about 10 weeks!

Till next time


Saturday 14 February 2009

It's in, it's in, it's in...mostly

Just a quick note to let you know how today went - will be more tomorrow, but mostly pics.

First thing that I needed to do this morning was to get a new gasket for the oil pump cover remote take off.

Jump in car, drive to local (non franchised) Land Rover showroom/service and parts place) and ask if they have a gasket. Bear in mind this engine appears in about 80% of the vehicles they deal with, and, they haven't got one!

Jump in car, drive to PWMC (local spares shop mentioned elsewhere on here) and see one of the folks in there. Ask if they have any gasket paper, to be presented with a roll of the stuff.

Paul then came over to give me a hand for the day, and once the pump cover had been swapped over and the return fuel line loosely fitted down tunnel, it was time to chuck in the engine. With a little wiggle here and there, and the removal of the LR positioned alternator and the water pump tensioner wheel (which won't be needed as alternator will be repositioned back to bottom left of engine), we eventually got the engine in the car.

Plenum sits a fair bit higher than old one (which had had about an inch machined off), so I'll have my work cut out over the next couple of weeks getting the bonnet modified (yet again!), sorting the plumbing and the wiring.

Then paint, MOT and tax and away we go.

As mentioned earlier, another post tomorrow which will be mostly pics.


Friday 13 February 2009

New Dawn starts later.. like morning!

Last night (being Thursday, this being Saturday morning - with me so far!), I attached the flywheel and clutch to the new engine and removed the engine mountings from 3.9 engine.

This evening (being Friday:) I started cleaning up the remote filter housing ready for installation to new engine and guess what?

The pressure release valve was sticking. Needless to say, I'm quite relieved in a way that it was something simple. That solves the low pressure issue. Still, it's fairly irrelevant now, I'll just have to keep an eye on oil pressure. Cleaned it all up and ressembled it and it seems ok. Fingers crossed.

When the turbo engine goes into the next project, the chassis will be designed around it, so I can revert, for the most part, to standard production items - such as the orginal filter takeoff.

Anyway, I got the new engine home and it's sitting on the garage floor. First thing in the morning, I have to go and get a new oil pump gasket, then swap over the remote takeoff, drain engine oil and remove some of the useless bits of engine compartment ventilation and side mounted air filter housings.

I'll also need to get some "P-clips" and get the other fuel line in (going down the transmission tunnel, next to existing one) while engine is still out - no I haven't done it yet.

When that's all done, we (a friend is coming over to help) can get the engine in.

Then starts the wiring rehash, locating the ecu and airflow meter etc etc. I know I could use the Emerald, but I'm going to stick with the Land Rover bits as far as possible.

Anyway, won't say anymore, or there'll be no point reading the next exciting instalment.

Will there:D

Till tomorrow (or this evening, as the case may be)


Tuesday 10 February 2009

Can't think of one!

No progress on the car today - I wasn't expecting much, anyway.

Would say though, that all this activity is going on in a single car garage which is rather full up. Having the turbo engine lying around is creating problems - so this evening I knocked up a bogey (1 1/2" SHS frame, 1/2" ply sheet and some 2 1/2" wheels), so I can move the thing around.

Tomorrow, I'll get the old engine onto that, then I can move car onto driveway and give engine bay a though clean.

Next job is to get the return fuel line in and replumb the fuel lines in the boot (ie remove the pressure regulator as now surplus to requirements).

Also tomorrow, I'll try and get the auto box bits and pieces removed from the new engine so I can put on the flywheel and clutch. If I'm lucky the new flywheel bolts and spigot bush will arrive.

Need to order some stainless bends for exhaust. Aaargghhh, forgot that!

Then we should be ready for the big instal on Saturday morning. Need to be as engine crane has to go back Sat PM

Anyway, more tomorrow hopefully.


Monday 9 February 2009

Few bits....

Just a very quick update!

Phoned Rimmer Bros today and ordered some flywheel bolts and a new spigot bush - not sure if that's actually required as I haven't taken the auto drive plate off the new engine yet, but for the sake of a couple of quid, decided it would be worth having.

It occurred to me this evening, after I'd removed the flywheel about the sense in getting a new thrust bearing and complete clutch. The old stuff seems in reasonable nick, so probably not worth the expense; or is it....

Time will tell I guess.

Also removed the take off plate for the Mocal remote filter assembly, which will also need to be transferred to the new engine, and while I'm at it, I removed the starter motor.

Tomorrow, well later today (being Tuesday already), I'm planning on removing the auto box parts from the new engine and going to finish cleaning the engine.

Anyway, that's it for tonight. More Wednesday hopefully.


Sunday 8 February 2009

Delays and ....... well, more delays

Right, last night (before I posted on here), I'd been in the garage looking at the car thinking hmmm, "Can I really be bothered?", knowing full well that if I'm to get the car back on the road, this is the only way forward.

So, knowing that last night, I made a gentle start - looking at what needed to be undone (bearing in mind that with the turbos, the engine was a bit wider than standard) and starting to undo manifolds, disconnect the ecu and remove wiring etc etc.

So, to today. The intention was to get up early, go for a swim then make a start.
In reality, I got up about 9.30, and was giving the idea of not going swimming some serious thought. Guilt eventually got the better of me, so off I went. And did about 50 lengths, without dieing, which was nice.

On the way home I popped into Paddock Wood Motorists Centre (been getting stuff from them since the early 80's!! and borrowed (alright, hired) their engine crane for the week. It's bloomin' heavy and the idea of putting it into and removing it from my car twice didn't appeal, so I got it for the week.

Then got home and wife made me go shopping with her and the boys, which ended up with us having lunch at the Nutmeg Tree in the Victoria Centre in T/Wells. Can't recommend the place enough (been having meals in there for about 8 years, and am always happy with service and food). Alas, I digress.

Eventually, got home and made a proper start, undoing offside exhaust manifold, disconnecting water feeds (more to allow easier access to other nuts and bolts), undoing oil feeds and undoing engine mountings (yes, after I'd attached the crane).

I then spent the next three hours trying to remove engine only to continuously find I needed to undo other things - and finding one bolt on belhousing I hadn't undone. Duh.

Anyway, it's out!

So now I have to clean up the engine compartment of oil, crap, dust and dirt and transfer clutch bits onto the new engine. Which reminds me, I need to get a new spigot bush and new flywheel bolts (from Rimmer Bros).

That's it for today, will post updates during the week.


Saturday 7 February 2009

Quick post - with pics. Aren't you lucky:D

This is what I collected from the nice chap near Battle

And this is the important bit - just after I'd made a start degreasing - but having run out of degreaser/got cold etc etc. Most of the crap is off though. Might have to make some exhausts. Again!

I'm now going to go and start taking Deimos apart, so you might be lucky and have more pics tonight or tomorrow.

I forgot to say, and I'm sure you'll be over the moon to hear this; I bought a bicycle and got round to riding it to work this morning. It's only three miles, but about a mile is a 1/10 hill and the mile before is a gentle uphill gradient, so, if there's no more updates this weekend, it's cos I'm too knackered to do anything. Oh yeah, and I'm gonna swim a mile or so in the morning. Finally decided to do something about my couch potato tendencies:D

Till later, tomorrow or next weekend (when the new engine will be going in!!!!!)


Thursday 5 February 2009

A New Start, perhaps

Just a quick post to let you know that I got my new engine last night. It's a 3.9l V8 from a 1994 Range Rover Classic (about 200bhp). It's done about 80,000 miles and has had the top end done.

I found it on ebay, having just flagged up about 15 Range Rovers that were potential donors, I came across an ad for, well, all the running gear (axles/box/transfer box, complete loom, ecu, pump - all I need and more).

Phoned the chap up, sounded nice enough, asked if he'd split as I only needed engine/ecu/loom and pump and he said he'd prefer not to. Anyway, I now have a load of stuff to sell - which, if I'm lucky will ensure I get the engine for not a lot. Maybe even free, which would be nice!

So, this weekend, it all kicks off. I'm going to try and remove the turbo'd engine, then swap over the flywheel and clutch assembly, move the alternator to the new engine (to the correct position), then plan on installing it the following week.

While the engine is out, I'll have a quick tidy up in the engine compartment, and get the other fuel line installed.

So, till then then, with pics hopefully.
