Tuesday 10 February 2009

Can't think of one!

No progress on the car today - I wasn't expecting much, anyway.

Would say though, that all this activity is going on in a single car garage which is rather full up. Having the turbo engine lying around is creating problems - so this evening I knocked up a bogey (1 1/2" SHS frame, 1/2" ply sheet and some 2 1/2" wheels), so I can move the thing around.

Tomorrow, I'll get the old engine onto that, then I can move car onto driveway and give engine bay a though clean.

Next job is to get the return fuel line in and replumb the fuel lines in the boot (ie remove the pressure regulator as now surplus to requirements).

Also tomorrow, I'll try and get the auto box bits and pieces removed from the new engine so I can put on the flywheel and clutch. If I'm lucky the new flywheel bolts and spigot bush will arrive.

Need to order some stainless bends for exhaust. Aaargghhh, forgot that!

Then we should be ready for the big instal on Saturday morning. Need to be as engine crane has to go back Sat PM

Anyway, more tomorrow hopefully.


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