Saturday 7 February 2009

Quick post - with pics. Aren't you lucky:D

This is what I collected from the nice chap near Battle

And this is the important bit - just after I'd made a start degreasing - but having run out of degreaser/got cold etc etc. Most of the crap is off though. Might have to make some exhausts. Again!

I'm now going to go and start taking Deimos apart, so you might be lucky and have more pics tonight or tomorrow.

I forgot to say, and I'm sure you'll be over the moon to hear this; I bought a bicycle and got round to riding it to work this morning. It's only three miles, but about a mile is a 1/10 hill and the mile before is a gentle uphill gradient, so, if there's no more updates this weekend, it's cos I'm too knackered to do anything. Oh yeah, and I'm gonna swim a mile or so in the morning. Finally decided to do something about my couch potato tendencies:D

Till later, tomorrow or next weekend (when the new engine will be going in!!!!!)


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